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Happy Holidays from the President of the NSFA

     Well here it is already the Holidays. Wow where has this year gone? Hope everyone has had a great year. Once again I want to thank all of you that support the NSFA. I probably sound like a broken record but if it wasn’t for all you we wouldn’t be where we are today. I would like to thank the board for the hard work that they do and for the support I as the President get from each and every one of you. I know I am not the easiest person to please and I have been told I have a hard head and a strong opinion. Thank you for your support and believing in me. You know I would like to take this time to send out a special thanks to our significant others and our family. You just don’t realize how much time it takes out of your life when you’re on this board and how much time we are away from our families. So please pass on that I say thank you.

     Most of you will be receiving a letter in the mail asking for a current roster of your department. Please take a few minutes and fill it out and mail it back so we can get the information. Our goal is to have an up to date data base of all our members. Be sure and state what type of membership each person on your roster has. If you’re not sure please feel free to call myself or any board member and they will guide you in the right direction.

     Some of you may not know but we have yet to receive interest in the host city for the 2016 conference. If you feel you would like to host the conference in your district or area please get a hold of a board member and they can tell you how to go about it. Remember the NSFA board will be there to help make it happen. We don’t expect you to do it all on your own. It is a lot of work but how cool would it be to bring the annual conference to your town?

     There is a lot of knowledge, skills and ideas out there and you should think about changes you would like to see in the fire service and the NSFA as a whole. How can you make this happen? Put your name in and run for the board. All you have to do is get with a past president and tell them you would like to throw your name in for a board member position and they will make it happen. It will be brought to vote at the meeting on Saturday during the conference and the most votes win.

     Thank you to Mark Flesher and his boys Julien and Travis the web site has a new look. Take a look at it and see how you like it. Have an event coming up in your area? Send it to them and they will post it for you. Want to write an article about something going on or something special? Write it and they will post it for you in the pumper. Thank you Julien and Travis for the time you spend keeping the web site top-notch.

     Well I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and a beautiful Christmas and of course a very Happy New Year. Everyone be safe and we hope everyone is already planning for the annual 2015 Conference in beautiful down town Virginia City. Hope to see you all there.

Thank You,

Steve McClintock
President, NSFA