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Message from 2015-16 Vice President Ben Jenkins

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, sure has been a wet one up here in the northeast. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who attended the NSFA Conference in Virginia City. The Community of Virginia City and the Storey County Volunteer Fire Department and families put on an excellent conference, for those of you who weren’t there you missed some great training.

Once again I had the responsibility of overseeing the scholarship program for 2015. If your department did not receive tickets this last year and would like some, please contact me and I will add you to the list. If your department would like more tickets please let me know. Once again Lee Engine Company stole the show, and sold $1000.00 worth of scholarship tickets. L.N. Curtis also made a generous donation of $1000.00 to the scholarship fund. All told between the ticket sales, raffle and auction this year we were able to add $6585.00 to the fund. This will greatly help us to continue awarding scholarships to our member’s young adults to assist with their education.

This year we were able to offer scholarships to all qualified applicants. I would like to personally thank each and every one of you that donated money, sold tickets, or assisted with this year’s scholarship drive. Thanks again for a great year, and I am looking forward to next year’s conference in Hawthorne.

Ben Jenkins
NSFA Vice President